We're anxiously awaiting our own little miracle - baby Jack.

He's the long-awaited answer to many prayers! As I treasure each little kick and daydream about what it will be like to hold him, I also can't help but soak up these last few months with my best side-kick.

Everly is my vivacious (almost) four year old. She talks constantly about her baby brother and all of the ways she intends to care for "her baby". She promises to change his stinky diapers! My husband is already drafting a contract for her to sign!

Today I wanted to capture one of our favorite pastimes together: making muffins + watching a show.

I will always cherish her desire to be a helper.

How she loves to put her hands into every cup of sugar and flour.

The way she sneaks as many chocolate chips into her mouth as she does into the muffins.

How she insists on watching the muffins rise in the oven

And how she is small enough to fit on the counter as we bake.

These are the unforgettable moments!