No Phoenix,Arizona summer is complete without a pool!

I recently got to take a plunge into the water with one of my closest friends and her sweet girls. And let me tell you - no one swims with as much joy, enthusiasm, and energy as the Woodruff girls! My friend Hannah - among her many talents - is an excellent swim teacher. Her girls are amazing swimmers! Both Elle and Liberty were so eager to show off their skills: diving for rings, crossing the pool with the kick board, and launching themselves into air in order to make the biggest splashes.

The girls were as practiced and familiar with the water as they were comfortable with each other. Elle and Liberty made great leaps into the water fully trusting their mama's watchful eye and quick reflexes. Each girl would beam as Hannah applauded their bravery and skill. They laughed and splashed endlessly - and when the girls were all tuckered out - they enjoyed the comfort of Hannah's snuggles.

Swimming is more than just a pastime for this sweet family - it's a time to connect! Woodruffs, thank you so much for allowing me to capture this precious summer rhythm!

What family rhythms do you love and want to capture for years to come?

You can find out more about my Rhythms sessions here.

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