My sister's home is cozy and full of love.

It's the kind of home you walk into and instantly feel welcomed and at peace. It's a place to kick off your shoes, settle into the comfy couch, and pull over the fuzzy blanket that's conveniently located in a basket near your feet. Potted plants are happily scattered across the front room on bookshelves and mantles. The pops of colors and patterns - like the scalloped wallpaper - are giveaway hints to the homeowners' loveable personalities.

As hard as it is to have my sister living so far away, it's an incredible treat to stay as a guest in her home. What's one of the best perks of being a houseguest to the Carters? Breakfast. Emily + Chad take their coffee seriously. They tag team breakfast, which is usually homemade baked goods with a side of crispy bacon and eggs.

I so enjoyed getting to document a morning in their home. My niece Jolie helped her daddy measure out the coffee for the french press. She supervised the coffee and breakfast prep from the counter while enjoying a warm cup of frothed milk (i.e. see milk mustache)! All throughout the process, my youngest niece Ellie was snuggled back and forth between mom and dad.

And no morning in the Carter household is complete without dancing! At one point, Jolie jumped up on the table to show off her epic dance moves. Treat yourself to her adorable-ness by looking through the entire gallery!

We ended the morning relaxed on the couch. They fit so well there all snuggled up together, like puzzle pieces that found their perfect matches.

Carters, I can't thank you enough for having me. Thank you for hosting me so generously, for giving me unlimited snuggle time with my sweet nieces, and of course - for the many delicious breakfasts!