I dare you not to smile at these dear friends of mine!

I mean, seriously - every single one of these pictures causes me to ear-to-ear grin! Their joy is so contagious! We've been friends with the Donnells since before the kiddos came along. Our girls are just one year apart and are as thick as thieves. When we found out that they were expecting their third, we were overjoyed. Then, SHOCKED to find out they were waiting until the birth to learn the gender! (I incorrectly guessed they were having a girl. Wa wa waaa)!

Waiting to learn the gender made the birth - and these photos - all the more special. I remember telling Amy before she left for the hospital how I couldn't wait to find out who was inside of there! As you can clearly see throughout their session, the Donnells are having so much fun getting to know their newest little man, Sweet Owen.

Thank you Donnell Family for allowing me in to capture these precious moments!