I have a nephew!!!

As the oldest of three girls - who collectively produced three girls of our own - I never thought this day would come! To say that I am thrilled is a huge understatement.

My sister Molly and her husband Jace are the incredible parents I knew they would be. When I arrived, Jace and Molly tag-teamed caring for sweet Kade between brewing the morning coffee and getting the family photo-ready.

Once in an adorable baseball tee onsie (eek - boy clothes!) Jace and Kade had some manly bonding in front of the bike wall. Their snuggles melted my heart.

When Molly had her turn with Kade I had to hold back my happy tears - my baby sister with her first baby! The love in her eyes for her son was so touching, beautiful, and sincere. What a lucky nephew I have.

This photo session wouldn't have been complete without the fourth member of the family - their boxer Velo. You must scroll through the entire journal entry to see this proud and protective big brother!

Kuypers, thank you so much for inviting me into your beautiful home to capture these moments!