This family photo brings me lots of joy - and not just because of the people in the frame.

It's the first family photo I've both taken and been in using a trusty tripod. No big deal, you might say, but I have dozens of blurry and out-of-focus pictures to prove just what a big deal it is!

Some of you may know that I used to blog a little before my photography went from a hobby to a fun little side gig. I've decided to roll my two creative outlets into one. Now you'll be treated to client sessions and my occasional personal ramblings and family photos. Here's to the first entry!

Last month we vacationed with my husband's side of the family in Greer, Arizona. Everly had uninterrupted time with her Grandma and Auntie Julie. It was such a treat for all of us! We played board games, went on walks, and often just sat out on the back porch soaking in the quiet. We watched eagles swoop down and catch fish in the pond in our backyard. My husband got up early one morning and spotted a herd of elk walking past the cabin. We watched the clouds (lovingly nicknamed "flags of God's faithfulness" by my mother-in-law) turn from fluffy white to purple and pink.

I loved watching Everly explore and was reminded how the things most essential to a child's imagination and growth can't be bought in a store. All you really need are rocks for collecting, logs for climbing, and shadows for chasing! We returned to sizzling Phoenix - well, sweating- but oh so refreshed! I'm so thankful that even in a year of constant change, uncertainty, and fear we were blessed with such sweet time together.